Demystifying Development: Full Planning, Lawful Development, and Prior Approval

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By RDK Admin | Published on 2024 | 2 min read

 At RDK Civil Engineering, we understand that navigating the world of planning permission can be confusing. When it comes to making changes to your property, there are three main routes you might encounter: full planning application, lawful development, and prior approval. Let's break down each of these to help you determine the right course for your project.


Full Planning Application:

This is the most comprehensive route and is required for any development that doesn't fall under the permitted development rights (explained below). Full planning applications involve a detailed submission to your local planning authority (LPA) outlining your project proposal, including architectural drawings, impact assessments, and supporting documents. The LPA will then assess your application against local planning policies and consult with neighbors and relevant bodies. This process can be more time-consuming and expensive compared to other options, but it allows for a thorough review and greater flexibility for complex projects.


Lawful Development:

Permitted development rights allow you to make certain alterations to your property without the need for a full planning application. These rights come with limitations and conditions, so it's crucial to ensure your project complies. While you don't necessarily need permission beforehand, it's highly recommended to obtain a Lawful Development Certificate (LDC) from your LPA. This confirms your project adheres to permitted development regulations and can be valuable when selling your property or obtaining a mortgage.


Prior Approval:

Prior approval sits somewhere between permitted development and full planning application. It's required for specific types of permitted development, such as adding a new storey or using the larger home extension scheme. You'll need to submit an application to your LPA for them to assess the impact on neighbors and ensure compliance with specific requirements. Prior approval is typically faster and less expensive than a full planning application, but it offers less flexibility for complex designs.




Choosing the Right Path:

Knowing which route to take depends on the nature of your project. Here's a quick guide:

  1. Full Planning Application: For major developments, significant alterations, or projects that deviate from permitted development regulations.
  2. Lawful Development: For smaller-scale improvements that comply with permitted development rights (get an LDC for peace of mind).
  3. Prior Approval: For specific types of permitted development that require neighbor consultation or specific design considerations.


RDK Civil Engineering Can Help

Unsure which route applies to your project? Our team of experienced civil engineers at RDK can guide you through the planning process. We can advise on the most suitable approach, assist with application preparation, and liaise with your LPA to ensure a smooth and successful outcome.


Contact us today for a free consultation!


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