RDK Civil Engineering Limited was founded with the purpose of being the most dependable and trustworthy engineering firm in the UK, managed by a team of certified civil engineers. Our staff approaches each customer with a new perspective, developing customized and inventive solutions to satisfy their specific requirements.
Reason For Being
At RDK Civil Engineering Company, our vision is to be a leading provider of innovative and sustainable engineering solutions, driving positive change in infrastructure development and shaping a better future for communities worldwide.
The mission of RDK Civil Engineering Company is to deliver exceptional engineering services with integrity, expertise, and innovation, creating sustainable and resilient infrastructure that improves lives and enhances the environment.

Meet Our Team

Sasith Mahawaduge
Schemes Delivery Manager
B.Sc Eng (Hons), M.Sc.(Con.PM), AMIE(SL)
A professional engineer with 4 years’ experience.

Asanka Anuradha
Schemes Design Manager
B.Sc Eng(Hons),Meng(Struct.Eng Design),CEng,MIE(SL),GMICE
A professional structural engineer with 21 years’ experience.

Udayanga Alwis
Senior Structural Engineer
B.Sc Eng(Hons), PG Dip. in Struct. Eng, CEng, MIE(SL), GMICE(UK)
An execute structural engineer with 18+ years’ experience.

Nandana Premachandrasiri
Senior Structural Engineer
B.Sc Eng(Hons), CEng. MIE(SL)
MSSE Accredited Member of Green Building Council with 18+ years’ experience.

Susanka Mathangaweera
Senior Structural Engineer
B.Sc Eng(Hons), PG Dip. in Struct. Eng, CEng, MIE(SL), GIStructE(UK)
A professional structural engineer with 18 years’ experience

Asanaka Laknatha
Structural Engineer
B.Sc Eng, MSc. Eng (Structural), CEng, MIE(SL), MIE(SL)
A qualified structural engineer with 18+ years’ experience and Managing Director of NEXTEC engineering PVT LTD.

Chinthaka Wijayawickrama
Senior Architect
B.Arch(Hons), AIA(SL), RIBA(UK)
A professional senior architect in our company with 5+ years’ experience.

Suranshika Rathnayake
Senior Architect
B. Sc(BE), M.Sc(Arch.), AIA(SL)
A talented architecture with 13+ years’ experience.

Himasha Gunathilaka
BA Int.Archt
A qualified architect in our company with 1+ year experience.

Janith Isanka
Project Coordinator
A talented software engineer in our company.

Manoj Ranaweera
A professional draughtsman with 7+ years’ experience.

Kavindi Manodya
Software Engineer
An execute software engineer in our company.